Managing Brokers must take the Managing Broker CE 2 – day course (Managing Brokers have been taking the 2 day course (12 hours) since 2013) and the typical 12 hour CE they have taken every renewal for many years now for a total of 24 hours. The Managing Broker CE class must be taken in-class or on live Zoom class. As part of the typical 12 hour CE class you must take a 4 hour Core class and a 1 hour Sexual Harassment class.The 4 hour core and Sexual Harassment must be done in class or live on Zoom.
$179 Managing Broker CE
12 hour/2 day class
live in class or live on Zoom
must have full attendance both days
– no partial credit can be given
Managing Broker CE – $179
Regular 12 hour CE – 4 hour Core
plus 2 hour Sexual Harassment
in class/Zoom
plus 6 hours elective home study – $99
(the 12 hours must be same day as the class)
take all 24 hours of required CE – as little as $235
(this is “Thank you for your years of LOYALTY price”)
Tim & Joan are retiring in at the end of Jun
these our last Managing Broker CE classes
Live in the Classroom or Live Zoom with Tim Rice
Saturday, June 10, 2023
9:30AM – 4:00PM
Hours Core/Sexual Harassment
Mandatory – Illinois CE credit